Easy Craps Strategy

  1. The Pass Line Bet is the most common bet in craps. It’s a very easy bet and you can easily get through a whole night of gambling only knowing this one bet. All you have to do is put your chips on the pass line on the table. You'll be able to tell were that is because it will say 'Pass Line' in big letters.
  2. Pass Line Craps Strategy. Betting on the pass line is the simplest craps strategy, and one most bettors make in a land-based casino. The house edge is a low 1.41% and winning pass line bets stand to make even money (1:1). Players can start this craps beginner strategy by betting on the pass line on the comeout roll.

When you look at the wagers available on the craps table what do you see? Do you see a confusing layout of wagers that are confusing? Or do you see just a few important wager options that let you ignore everything else?

If you haven’t played craps before you might look at the table the first way. But once you learn the simple winning strategies on this page you can ignore everything on the table except a few simple wagers.

Here are seven quick craps strategies that you can use for winning play. They’re all easy to use so you can get started today.

1 – The Magic Odds Wager

If you do some deep research on casino gambling and the wagers that offer the best odds that are available, a few interesting things can be found.

The main objective in craps is really quite straightforward. Basically you are just betting on the outcome of the roll of two dice. Craps is pure chance since you can’t affect the outcome in any way, but you do have the choice of several wagers. The majority of these wagers are ultimately based on what combination of dice will be rolled.

The first thing to know is that there are basically no wagers available in the casino where the house doesn’t have an edge. The truth is that there is a way to play blackjack with a small edge over the casino, and poker players and sports gamblers can also get a small edge. But the edge you can get is small and it’s extremely hard to do.

Another interesting thing that comes up is that there’s only one wager available in the casino that you can make with no edge. This is a craps wager called an odds wager. And it’s the main reason why craps is such a good casino game to play.

But there’s a problem with the craps odds wager. You can’t place this special wager until you place a come out roll wager first. And both of these wagering options have odds for the casino.

I’m going to cover both of these wagers in other sections, but the main thing you need to know in this section is that you should always take the maximum odds wager when you play craps.

2 – Don’t Pass Is the Best Wager

Craps has two different options for wagers on the come out roll. The two options are called the don’t pass line and the pass line. These wagers are basically the opposite of each other. When one of these wagers wins, the other one loses.

Most real money craps players use the pass line wager. This is something like a tradition, and at some tables it’s even considered bad luck to bet on the don’t pass line. Some especially superstitious craps players even feel that a don’t pass gambler is working against the other players and will say the gambler is betting the dark side.

Before I continue, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. You can place a wager on whatever you want and you should ignore any other player who says otherwise. They can bet any way they like, and the way you gamble is none of their business.

The truth is that the don’t pass line is the best wager to make on a come out roll. It’s got the lowest casino edge at the table other than the odds wager, so it’s the best option.

3 – The Pass Line Is a Decent Second Option

I know that the last section states that the don’t pass wager is the best bet to make. But most craps players use the pass line wager. The question you should be asking is just how much worse is the pass line than the don’t pass line?

The casino house edge is 1.41% on the pass line. It’s 1.36% on the don’t pass wager. This isn’t a large amount.

To put this difference in perspective, consider the expected outcome of placing $50,000 in wagers on each of the two options over the course of a year. You’re going to lose $25 more on a total of $50,000 wagered when you use the pass line instead of don’t pass.

$25 is enough to buy something that you can use, so it’s not the same as a few cents. But it’s also not a large amount when you spread it over a long period of time.

You have to decide if it’s the way you want to go or if you want to stick with the slightly better don’t pass line wager. I stick with the don’t pass line because I want to get every edge I can find, even if it’s small.

4 – Everything Else Is Terrible or Worse

I covered the only three wagers you need at the craps table. Every other wager is worse and will lead to losing more money. The place 6/8 has a casino edge of 1.52%, and everything else is over 2%. Some of the wagers on the craps table have a casino edge of over 11%.

I never make a place wager or any other betting options when I play craps. I make 100% of my craps wagers based on the lowest casino edge. This means I place a don’t pass line wager and make a maximum odds wager when a point is set. This is how I recommend you play carps also, because it gives you the best chance to win.

5 – Online Casino Craps Bonus Use

When you play craps in a live casino the only kind of promotion you can usually get is the comps you earn from the player’s club. I cover this in the next section.

But if you’re willing to play craps on your mobile device or on your computer, you might be able to find an online casino bonus.

The only thing that a craps bonus really does is increase your bankroll. Rarely will a bonus actually help you improve your chance of winning. The reason why it doesn’t really help you win is because the terms state that you have to play a certain amount of time or risk a certain amount before you can cash out.

The terms are usually written in such a way that you have to risk so much that the odds of winning are basically the same as if you don’t play with a bonus. But there’s usually not a downside to having a bigger bankroll.

6 – Thou Shalt Get Casino Comps

Craps players in land based casinos aren’t going to get much in the way of rewards. But you can earn a few casino comps with your play as long as the casino offers a player’s club of some sort and you’re a member.

Even though I don’t earn many comps when I play craps, I won’t play anywhere that doesn’t offer comps. You can find plenty of casinos that offer comps for craps play, so why would you ever play where they don’t?

Online and mobile craps is a little different. Not many mobile and online casinos offer comps. Instead they use bonuses. If you do find an online or mobile casino that has craps and offers comps, you should seriously consider playing there. You probably still won’t end up winning more than you lose, but you might be able to come close to breaking even.

7 – Can You Use Dice Control?

I’m not going to spend a lot of time on dice control, but it’s something that you should at least be aware of.

Easy craps strategy

Some craps players believe that they can practice enough to control the outcome of dice rolls. Or at least they believe that they can alter the outcome of some of their dice rolls.

I’m not going to argue that dice control is real or that it isn’t real. What I will say is that if you can alter the outcome of even a small percentage of dice rolls that you might be able to overcome the casino edge.

I’ve never seen proof that dice control works. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t work. And the truth is that if I could control the dice I wouldn’t tell anyone about it. Instead I’d be making a good living playing craps.

The main problem with dice control is that I don’t know anyone making a full time living just by playing craps. This is the main reason why I question if dice control is real or if it’s just something people use to sell books and courses about how to do it.


Craps play doesn’t have to be complicated. If you stick with 3 simple wagers you can ignore everything else and play with the lowest casino edge. Any other wagers you make just add profit for the casino and drain your bankroll.

You can also use bonuses and/or comps to improve your long term profits. You should be using either a bonus or comps or both every time you play at a craps table. When you play craps online use a bonus, and when you play in a land based casino make sure you’re earning comps.


Craps is known for being one of the easiest games to learn on the entire casino floor. Not only that, but it provides some pretty favorable odds to gamblers of all skill and experience levels.

While the learning curve might not be as significant as it is with other games, there are still a number of strategies that can help take your success up a notch. If you’re new to the game, it’s important to understand the basics and put them into action.

In this article, I’ll lay out the top 7 strategy tips for craps beginners.

1 – Bet the Right Way

One thing that can get lost in a gambling strategy (somehow) is the importance of not just playing the game the right way, but betting the right way as well. For this particular game, betting the right way means something additional.

When it comes to craps, play the pass and come bets with the table. These are the bets which are widely thought to be the best because of the low house edge, and are well-suited for beginners who aren’t as familiar with the game.

The most popular bet for craps is a pass line bet which has a house edge of only 1.4%. What you need to know is that you only have four ways to lose, so your odds are quite favorable.

2 – Look for the Right Shooter

Think dice rolls are completely random? You might be surprised to learn that some shooters have developed ways to take at least some of the unpredictable nature out of their roll.

For Example

Players who shake and roll the dice in their hands prior to their throw probably don’t have much control over the outcome.

On the flip side, some players roll exactly the same way each time and have a higher probability of getting a winning outcome.

When you walk into the casino and are looking for the right table to start placing bets, do your best to find someone who looks like they’re in relative control of the throws they’re making. It sounds like a small thing, but any time you can take measures to reduce unpredictability in gambling, it’s worth taking advantage of the opportunity.

3 – Manage Your Bankroll

You might not be as experienced as some of the other players at the table, but it only takes discipline, not skill or experience, to effectively manage your gambling bankroll.

If you’re unfamiliar, your bankroll is the pool of money that you’ve set aside for the sole purpose of gambling. Most experts recommend only betting a small, predetermined percentage of that bankroll on any one play. You can determine the percentage for yourself, but keeping it between 5% and 10% is most effective.

Remember that it’s crucial, especially when you’re just starting out, to think of gambling as a long-term game. Trying too hard to hit the jackpot and betting huge amounts of money is a good way to drain your bankroll and put you in a bad financial position.

4 – Be Wary of Prop Bets

In craps, there are a number of advanced betting combinations that can result in huge payouts. However, in order to use these to your advantage, you need to have a pretty solid grasp on how the game is played.

In my opinion, if you’re new to craps, it’s in your best interest to stay away from these prop bets and stick to something that you understand. Prop bets have a much higher house edge than regular bets, and the added risk means that if you aren’t making the correct plays, you could just be giving money away to the casino.

Not only do you need to be aware of the odds on prop bets, but they also require you to have a significant level of knowledge in regards to the board layout and gameplay process. To make things even more complicated, there’s a specific etiquette preferred when making these bets as well.

I’m not saying that prop bets should be totally off your radar forever, but it’s best to observe others utilizing them before you start throwing down your money hoping for a big win.

5 – Practice Online

Nobody likes to feel like they don’t know what they’re doing – especially when surrounded by a bunch of strangers who do know what they’re doing. Unfortunately, the only way to get experience is to go through the learning curve, as uncomfortable as it may be.

Throughout most of history, this has meant that beginner players had to positon themselves at the table right next to the experts, and let their inexperience shine. However, in today’s world, there is another option that has helped countless beginner gamblers: online gaming.

The best part of online casinos is that they provide users with a place to hone their skills, without the social embarrassment or anxiety that comes with being new to the game.

Easy Craps Strategy

Even more beneficial is the fact that there are plenty of sites that don’t even require you to risk any money in order to learn.

Before you visit a casino and start wagering your hard-earned money, make sure you know what you’re doing. Find a free online site that allows you to learn the game, then move on to a low-limit, real money online casino, and then you’ll be ready for the real thing.

6 – Don’t Listen to the Dealer

I don’t actually mean you should tune him or her out, but rather you should not fall victim to their appeals to increase your bet.

Dealers, although they might be technically impartial, still work for the casino. The more money they’re able to collect from their table, the better they look when being evaluated by their bosses.

During your time at the craps table, you’ll likely hear dealers encourage players to “bet hardways,” which is a prop bet in which you need equal numbers on the dice to add up to a certain number. For example, a 5-5 is the “hard way” to make a 10.

These bets do have a nice payout if you hit, but the odds of that happening are unlikely, and don’t fit into the strategy of someone who is looking to play conservatively and learn the game.
The bottom line is, if the dealer suggests you do something, politely decline and continue on with betting the odds.

7 – Learn the Etiquette

As I mentioned earlier in the article, there is a certain etiquette to prop bets. There is also a larger set of “unspoken rules” that you’d be wise to follow if you want to fit in.

First, it’s important, regardless of which game you’re playing, to tip your dealer. This should be a pretty standard practice at any casino. Simply put, don’t leave the table without showing the dealer a little appreciation by way of a tip.

Easy Craps Strategy

The second, and much less obvious craps etiquette practices involves the number seven…as in, don’t say the number out loud.

In fact, it’s considered so unlucky that if you do say it, people will even leave the table. If you must bring it up, some refer to the number seven simply as “devil.”

Finally, it should be noted that craps is a fast-paced, action-packed game. One easy way to make the table mad is by shooting slowly or generally slowing down the speed of the game. This is why it’s so important to know what you’re doing before you step up to the table.


Easy Blackjack Strategy

Craps can be one of the best games for less experienced gamblers because of the low house edge. With that being said, it’s important that you don’t try to get too fancy with your plays until you truly understand how the game works.

Practice your skills online before heading to the casino, and keep these tips in mind when you’re ready to play. If you manage your money and stick to the appropriate plays, you could be walking out with some extra cash in your pocket.

Beginner Craps Strategy

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