Gambling Rehab Centre


While many of us enjoy a bit of a flutter now and again for fun, for some people it can become a compulsion and lead to a gambling addiction. At Ocean Recovery Centre, we offer specialist treatment for those who are worried about their compulsive gambling, providing a luxurious retreat where you can get away from the temptation and address your issues.

We offer a range of treatments including individual, group and holistic therapy, so you can return to your life ready to tackle your addiction.

24/7 Support for Gambling Addiction

Gambling rehab centre sydney

One of the reasons why there has been a rise in the number of cases of gambling addiction is that it’s now easier than ever to place a bet. In the past, you’d have to go to betting shops, which were only open limited hours, whereas the digital age has brought a whole load of different ways to gamble online.

There are numerous online bingo, casino and sports sites, and even slot machines can be played online and on phone apps. This means it’s very easy to lose large amounts of money in a short amount of time, and unlike many addictions, it’s particularly difficult to escape the temptation.

Rehab centers provide many levels of support including individual counseling and therapy, group counseling and therapy, and Gamblers Anonymous support groups to assist the patient in finding the strength to stop gambling and to face their problems. People Gamble for Many Reasons. Some clinicians may refer compulsive gambling patients to a substance abuse rehab center for treatment.

Staying at Ocean Recovery can help, as we can make it much more difficult for you to gamble, limiting access to the internet and keeping you away from betting shops and casinos during your treatment.

Spotting A Gambling Addiction

Problem gambling can be difficult to identify. After all, lots of people gamble, so how do you know when it has become a problem? Some signs to look out for include:

  • Negative effects on your relationships – for example, borrowing money from friends and family, lying about your whereabouts or arguments about your gambling
  • Negative effects on your career – whether it’s being distracted at work, leaving work to go gambling or even stealing from an employer
  • Financial problems – using borrowed money to gamble such as credit cards, loans or payday loans
  • Using winnings to gamble – even if you win a large amount, you soon gamble your winnings in the hope of earning more
  • Acting out of character – any irrational, out of character behaviour can be a sign of an addiction
  • Mental health issues – gambling compulsively can cause problems such as depression, anxiety and stress

If any of the above signs and symptoms sound familiar, whether it’s your own behaviour or that of a loved one, then it might be time to seek help.

Gambling Addiction Programmes

The type of treatment that might work for your gambling addiction will often depend on the length and severity of your addiction, the kind of gambling you’re doing and many other things such as your overall mental health.

Many people who contact us have previously tried Gamblers Anonymous, and for some people, this is enough to help them stop gambling. You may have already tried calling a gambling helpline, going to local groups or even outpatient treatment, but found you’ve still been tempted to gamble. No matter what your history, our 28-day inpatient programme may be the thing that gets you on track.

The main advantage of staying with us, away from home, is that it’s almost impossible to gamble. We can keep you supervised while using the internet and ensure you are away from places like betting shops. If you are a compulsive gambler, you may find stress is a trigger, so by staying with us you can enjoy the peaceful environment while undergoing treatment.

There are many treatment options that can help you overcome a gambling addiction. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help you identify what causes you to gamble and gives you the tools you need to overcome negative patterns.

Gambling Rehab Centre

When you stay at Ocean Recovery, you can join our excellent support groups, working with others that have addictions, so you never have to feel alone.

Many people who come to us for gambling addiction treatment have what’s known as a dual diagnosis. This means that on top of their gambling addiction, they’re also suffering from mental health issues or are abusing alcohol or drugs.

We can ensure that these issues are also addressed, whether it’s through medication or different types of therapy during your stay.

Your Stay At Ocean Recovery Centre

Ocean Recovery Centre is a peaceful place for problem gamblers to seek the help they need. We have a team of support staff who have years of experience working with those with addictions.


While you’re having treatment for your gambling addiction, you can stay in cosy, private rooms and enjoy chef catered meals, so there’s nothing to do other than focus on your recovery and relax.

We understand the need to focus on your physical health while you stay here. Many people with addictions neglect their health, so while you stay with us you’ll enjoy nutritious meals, yoga, massages and more. This ensures you feel refreshed when you return home.

No addiction can be cured in just a few weeks. It’s something that you’ll have to battle throughout your life. That’s why after your stay at Ocean Recovery Centre, you’ll get a year of FREE aftercare.

There are many temptations to gamble in everyday life, and many stressful situations can trigger you. We’ll put you in touch with local addiction groups, so you know there’s always someone to talk to when you need it most, and we may also recommend follow-up therapy to help you deal with compulsions.

Gambling Rehab Centre Sydney

Gambling Rehab Centre

Don’t Delay Treatment

If you suffer from a gambling addiction, then delaying treatment can put you in financial difficulty, affect your relationships, and even cause legal issues. Many areas have long NHS waiting lists, so you may be looking for private rehab. Ocean Recovery can often offer places in a matter of hours, even sorting out things such as transport, which ensures you arrive safely and can begin your programme in no time at all.

If you need help and support with a gambling problem, get in touch with us Simply call 01253 847 553 or complete our contact form and we’ll get right back to you.

The Most Comprehensive Residential Center in the United States for Gambling Addiction Treatment.

These two words in our license to treat speak to the quality of the care and expertise of the staff. Virginia recognizes that Gambling Addiction is a specific area of expertise offered at Williamsville Wellness, as opposed to other centers which are licensed to treat mental disorders, a very broad category.

What you can expect:

  • 15+ individual sessions per week
  • 18+ hours of group sessions per week
  • Includes family/partner sessions, on-site or by phone
  • Focus on Gambling Addiction Treatment

In the 21 day program we will focus on:

  • An in-depth assessment of your gambling history, severity, triggers, and signs of relapse
  • Screening for co-occurring mental health problems through psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation
  • Addressing mental health problems through therapy techniques aimed at teaching: coping skills, communication skills, motivation for change, emotion regulation, impulse control, reducing procrastination, and anger management
  • Providing education about the mental and physical effects of gambling addiction and codependency
  • Assistance handling financial and legal problems
  • 12-Steps of Gamblers’ Anonymous and SMART Recovery
  • Emphasis on medical management issues
  • Physical health through massage, exercise, yoga, and nutrition planning
  • Helping you create an individualized recovery plan and aftercare appointments so that you may continue your success in recovery after discharge

Gambling Rehab Centre Nottingham

Why Choose 21 Days?

  • If you have co-occurring mental health (or other) issues and need adequate time to address them in treatment
  • Designed for people with medical management issues
  • Work in-depth on family issues as part of the gambling addiction treatment
  • Receive adequate time to solidify your recovery and aftercare plan prior to leaving

Gambling Rehab Center Malaysia

Our Gambling Rehab Program provides an in-depth focus on aspects of compulsive gambling and how to attain active recovery from gambling addiction. The program starts with sessions that focus on the root of the addiction, particularly its severity and potential triggers. We will also conduct mental health screening, psychological testing and provide a diagnosis before creating an individualized recovery plan for the client.

Gambling Rehab Center

Main goal: problem assessment and future planning, with opportunities to learn and practice recovery management skills while addressing all areas of your individualized treatment plan.