Slot Machine Javascript


OnEnd - Every number of slot number end function. (The given number is depending on number stop sequence) onFinish - All number of slot number end funtion. (The given number is by sequence from left to right). In this example, a simulated browser-based slot machine game invokes a Lambda function that generates the random results of each slot pull. Those results are returned as the file names of the images that are used to display to the user.

  1. Slot Machine Game Javascript Code
  2. Slot Machine Javascript Github

The problem

A slot machine is a gambling device that the user inserts money into and then pulls a lever (or presses a button). The slot machine then displays a set of random images. If two or more of the images match, the user wins an amount of money that the slot machine dispenses back to the user.

Create a program that simulates a slot machine. When the program runs, it should do the following:

  • Ask the user to enter the amount of money he or she wants to enter into the slot machine.
  • Instead of displaying images, the program will randomly select a word from the following list: Cherries, Oranges, Plums, Bells, Melons, Bars
  • To select a word, the program can generate a random number in the range of 0 through 5. If the number is 0, the selected word is Cherries; if the number is 1, the selected word is Oranges; and so forth. The program should randomly select a word from the list three times and display all three of the words.
  • If none of the randomly selected words match, the program will inform the user that he or she has won $0.
  • If two of the words match, the program will inform the user that he or she was won two times the amount entered.
  • If three of the words match, the program will inform the user that he or she has won three times the amount entered.
  • The program will ask whether the user wants to play again. If so, these steps are repeated. If not, the program displays the total amount of money entered into the slot machine and the total amount won.

Breaking it down

Initialize constants

Declare variables

Create supporting methods

Play slot machine, record results

Display totals

Slot Machine Game Javascript Code


Unit tests

MachineSlot Machine Javascript

Level Up

Slot Machine Javascript Github

  • Randomly allocate the number a pool of $.
  • Enhance output to look like a real slot machine.
  • Enhance getReal to be more efficient.
  • Create an ENUM to represent reel type and change parameter type to method getReel.
  • What changes would need to be made to play a slot machine with 4 reels?
  • Determine the algorithim flaw with the output.

Related examples

A slot game is one of the most popular gambling games that has attracted gambling lovers from quite some time, and HTML5 Slot Machine Source Code is a standard solution for the firms that are looking forward to developing an online slot machine kind of gaming software.

AIS Technolabs has experienced coders who offer slot game development services with advanced features. HTML5 is one of the most sought-after languages used for generating source code. HTML5, along with JavaScript and CSS, has enabled developers to create impressive gaming solutions as per the need and demands of the clients. Our HTML Slot machine code is easy to customize and had all the necessary elements which today’s gamers want in an online slot game.


Features of Our Slot

Machine Source Code

Online slot gaming is more in demand these days. So, excellent technical skills and advanced features are required to make these slot machines work effectively. So to make our slot machine source code effective and user-friendly, we implement it with given below features.

Responsive Design

Intuitive Controls

Slot machine javascript animation

Interactive Interface

Smooth jQuery

Fraud and Cheat
Prevention Measures
Simple to Play

Compatible with
Every Browser